Welcome to PlantMolecularTasteDB!
More and more plant derived tastants and new functional roles of taste receptors are discovered every year. Beyond their key role in taste perception, the phytotastants display important pharmacological activities, which, in certain cases, may be partially mediated by extraoral taste receptors and/or other types of chemosensors.

PlantMolecularTasteDB aims to integrate data about all types of orosensorially active phytochemicals (sweet, sour, bitter, salty, umami, pungent, astringent), their chemical and complete sensorial profile, and additional information about their biological activities, like anti-inflammatory activity.

PlantMolecularTasteDB provides several ways to explore the phytosensorial space. The phytotastants can be searched by name, chemical class, taste or other orosensations, associated taste receptors and other types of chemosensors (e.g. TRP channels), antiinflammatory activity. The interface allows simple or advanced search by combination of various criteria (e.g. sweet AND anti-inflammatory, sesquiterpene lactone AND TAS2R10), and browsing of the phytocompounds.

How to cite PlantMolecularTasteDB
Gradinaru Teodora-Cristiana, Madalina Petran, Dorin Dragos, and Marilena Gilca. PlantMolecularTasteDB: A Database of Taste Active Phytochemicals. Frontiers in Pharmacology 2022; 12:3804. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2021.751712

How to use PlantMolecularTasteDB

Brief overview on the PlantMolecularTasteDB (Video 1)

Searching for specific or common agonists of taste receptors (Video 2)

How to generate Plant Molecular Taste (Video 3)

© 2020, Marilena Gîlca, Dorin Dragoş, Teodora-Cristiana Grădinaru, Elena-Mădălina Petran. All rights reserved.
PlantMolecularTasteDB version 1.0 | Database updated on 01.09.2021. Site updated on 01.09.2021.